For many, the thought of drinking enough water each day can be intimidating, as many fail to consume their recommended amount. One of the most common reasons for individuals not drinking enough water each day is the lack of thirst. During the warmer months, we're more aware of our hydration needs. Dehydration during the winter is much less noticeable, forcing us to be more mindful of the body. Like any other season, diet and lifestyle adjusts to what the body needs during the winter. A majority of those needs, are based on temperature regulation and the immune system. One of the best ways to stay hydrated and keep the immune system functioning is to load up on foods with high water content.
Bananas aren't just good for cramps. When dehydration occurs, electrolytes. Bananas containing 74% water, high potassium, and magnesium help replenish lost electrolytes. Not only are they great as a post-workout snack, but also they aid in muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and help replenish muscle glycogen.
Tomatoes are fruits that don’t get nearly as much recognition as they should for its benefits. With 94% water, this fruit is an excellent choice for hydration and a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Lycopene is a plant nutrient that lowers the risk of developing heart disease and protects the skin against sunburns and certain types of cancers. This nutrient can also increase procollagen, which can potentially reverse sun damage.
Another lycopene-containing fruit is grapefruit. An entire grapefruit holds 91% water and 4 grams of fiber. In addition, this food provides 120% of the daily recommended Vitamin C levels and supports brain function. This water-rich fruit is not only hydrating, but also contains the three main electrolyte minerals (magnesium, potassium, and a small amount of sodium).
If grapefruits aren’t a favorite, oranges are another great option at 87% water. The Florida fruit contains Vitamin C and antioxidants that enhance immune function and heart health, making it the perfect source for building up the immune system. To get the fiber benefits for the day, be sure to eat the fruit and not just drink the juice, as the fibers in oranges are found in the membranes that enclose the slices of oranges.
Anyone who has cooked spinach has seen it transform from a packed pan to almost nothing within minutes. Spinach is 92% water, therefore once the water evaporates, it leaves the healthy greens in their withered form. Low in calories, spinach is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and cancer prevention. It also contains plant compounds, potentially increasing heart health, eye health, and fighting off infection and inflammation.
A surprisingly high water-content food, cauliflower contains 92% water. It is also a substantial source of fiber and contains 15 vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and choline. Choline is less well-known because it's not found in many foods, and many individuals are deficient in this water-soluble compound. This compound is an essential nutrient for supporting brain health, muscle movement, liver function, and metabolism.
The highest water content of all the berries is strawberries. They are 92% water and have a substantial amount of vitamin C (150% DV/cup), fiber, and disease-fighting antioxidants. They can also lower blood pressure levels and cholesterol and support healthy brain function. Consuming strawberries regularly has been shown to reduce inflammation, a benefit to fighting against heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and various types of cancer.
Although these foods are significant sources of water, actually consuming water is the best way for hydration. Many people dislike the taste of water, but luckily, there is a never-ending list of alternatives to water, such as tea or sparkling water. Another way to consume water is to combine your favorite fruits and veggies and add them to your water. It’s important to remember that results don't change overnight. Rehydrating and adapting the body to a new routine takes time and patience. Keep a consistent schedule. Consume an adequate amount for hydration. Soon, the results will show improvement in both mental and physical health.
Author : Jennifer Dutton, Blog Writer, DrinkLyte Co. "Helping Grow CPG Brands Beyond Their Potential"