DrinkLyte Blog
Read about the science behind hangovers, party stories, healthy cocktail recipes, and all things rehydration
Does Beer Before Liquor really make you Sicker?
Mixing one’s alcohol, consuming too many sugary cocktails, and even so much the color of the liquor makes a difference in one's hangover. But wh... -
Does Beer Cause Bloating?
There are few things greater than cracking open an ice-cold beer after a long day. For most, drinking a beer or two is enough to make you feel as... -
Is Red Wine Actually Good for You?
Wine is the primary choice when it comes to top alcohol choices. In fact, 75% of adults drink wine, and 44% of those individuals drink at least a f... -
National Nutrition Month Talks Hydration
In the health and wellness industry, March is when we celebrate National Nutrition Month, focusing on healthy food choices alongside physical ac... -
5 Morning-Approved Cocktails to Enjoy Before Noon
Drinking cocktails in the morning are often given a bad reputation, portrayed as an “I’m still drunk, so I might as well stay drunk” situation. Al... -
National Margarita Day Recipes so Good they're Hangover-Worthy
Today is not only Tuesday, but National Margarita Day, and who couldn’t use a margarita on a Tuesday?? As one of the most popular national food an... -
Is Pedialyte Doing More Harm than Good? Here's what the Experts Say
Dehydration is one of those things that even those with the cleanest bill of health experience from time to time. In our world, there are a handf... -
Stay Hydrated with these Healthy Foods During Winter
For many, the thought of drinking enough water each day can be intimidating, as many fail to consume their recommended amount. One of the most c... -
The Best Times of the Day to Drink Water
At one point or another, we all wonder, "How much water should we be drinking?" It’s no secret that water has the best benefits for us. It gives u... -
Dry January vs. Damp January: Which is Better?
Every January, we dust off our gym shoes, meal-prep for hours, and dispose of all the alcohol in the house (at least for the first thirty-one day... -
Experiencing Sudden Thirst: What it Means
We, as a population, are over-consumed by our own day-to-day lives. We’re all guilty of it. Whether we’re buried with office work or have our hea... -
Alcohol Predictions for 2022: Seltzers, Bold Flavors, and More
With the current pandemic changing the way we shop, drink, socialize, and everything in between, it’s no surprise to see alcohol trends competing t...
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