DrinkLyte Blog
Read about the science behind hangovers, party stories, healthy cocktail recipes, and all things rehydration
Alcohol Predictions for 2022: Seltzers, Bold Flavors, and More
With the current pandemic changing the way we shop, drink, socialize, and everything in between, it’s no surprise to see alcohol trends competing t... -
Safe Drinking on Halloween: What to Look Out For
From kids in crazy costumes getting hyped up on pillowcases of candy to adults indulging in cocktails, Halloween is a holiday to celebrate tradit... -
Weed and Alcohol: What Happens when the two Mix?
It’s unsurprising that cannabis and alcohol are two of the most commonly used substances. Both share the outcome of relaxation when used individu... -
How Alcohol is Affecting Your Brain
Too often, results from alcohol can cause one to become dizzy, have slurred speech, or even impaired memory in the short term. However, too much... -
Symptoms, Signs and Prevention-The Influence of Alcohol Poisoning
In 2020, the national average of alcoholic beverages consumed in the U.S. was 17 drinks per week. People love celebrating with alcohol, whether...