DrinkLyte Blog
Read about the science behind hangovers, party stories, healthy cocktail recipes, and all things rehydration
Electrolytes:Everything You Need to Know and How to Treat an Imbalance
With 3 out of 4 Americans suffering from dehydration each day, it’s no secret that we have an epidemic on our hands. Many are aware that they ar... -
Shopping for a Hydration Product? You Should Read This First
Because 75% of Americans suffer from dehydration, rehydrating the body is one of the best things they can do for their health. After a hard worko... -
Safe Drinking on Halloween: What to Look Out For
From kids in crazy costumes getting hyped up on pillowcases of candy to adults indulging in cocktails, Halloween is a holiday to celebrate tradit... -
DrinkLyte's Formula: A Multi-Purpose Recovery?
DrinkLyte is known for its lightning-fast rehydration formula. This product lets consumers have the best of both worlds: a social life without ha... -
Multi-Billion Dollar Hangover Market: Showing No Signs of Slowing Down
Less than a decade ago, the discussion of hangover products was not a popular topic. One of the best-known go-to hangover remedies was an electro... -
Dehydration Might be Holding You Back From Your Workout
One of the most important health tips that anyone can follow each day is stay hydrated, yet so many struggle with it. With summer still in full ... -
More Vendors are Experiencing Wedding Hangovers-Here's Why
Summertime is the season for attending family vacations, catching up with friends, and coming together for celebratory occasions. Weddings specifi... -
Drinklyte Tops Recovery for any Hydration Need
We’ve been told how crucial it is to stay hydrated while drinking alcohol—but staying hydrated isn’t just about drinking water. When we consume alc... -
Drinklyte: The ‘Two-step’ Solution’ to all Your Hangover Problems
Anyone who has ever experienced a hangover has most likely tried to find a hangover cure that works for them. Maybe the ‘hair of the dog’ or pain k... -
Drinklytes Study Shows Competition in Hangover Prevention
Whether we’re enjoying one glass of wine after a long day of work or drinking our weight in jello shots at the bar with our friends, most of us hav... -
Why Water Alone Isn't Enough for Your Hangover Recovery
We’ve all come home from a night out drinking, some more trashed than others. Feeling tired and thirsty, there’s only one thing left to do: the cla... -
Dehydration: You are Probably Already There
We've all felt the stress and fatigue of our daily routines. Maybe that 2 pm slump at work has hit and no matter how hard we try, we can't get r...
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