DrinkLyte Blog
Read about the science behind hangovers, party stories, healthy cocktail recipes, and all things rehydration
Does Beer Before Liquor really make you Sicker?
Mixing one’s alcohol, consuming too many sugary cocktails, and even so much the color of the liquor makes a difference in one's hangover. But wh... -
Does Beer Cause Bloating?
There are few things greater than cracking open an ice-cold beer after a long day. For most, drinking a beer or two is enough to make you feel as... -
National Margarita Day Recipes so Good they're Hangover-Worthy
Today is not only Tuesday, but National Margarita Day, and who couldn’t use a margarita on a Tuesday?? As one of the most popular national food an... -
Multi-Billion Dollar Hangover Market: Showing No Signs of Slowing Down
Less than a decade ago, the discussion of hangover products was not a popular topic. One of the best-known go-to hangover remedies was an electro... -
The Type of Alcohol you Drink is Partially to Blame for Your Hangover
Some blame the sugar in fancy cocktails; others blame the bubbles in the champagne. More often than not, many blame it on tequila for our forgotte... -
Drinklytes Study Shows Competition in Hangover Prevention
Whether we’re enjoying one glass of wine after a long day of work or drinking our weight in jello shots at the bar with our friends, most of us hav... -
Why Water Alone Isn't Enough for Your Hangover Recovery
We’ve all come home from a night out drinking, some more trashed than others. Feeling tired and thirsty, there’s only one thing left to do: the cla... -
Dehydration: You are Probably Already There
We've all felt the stress and fatigue of our daily routines. Maybe that 2 pm slump at work has hit and no matter how hard we try, we can't get r... -
Myth-Busting The Top 5 Hangover Cure Myths
Alcohol leaves your body in two ways: urine and breath, which means that getting up (as miserable as it might be), is actually the best for you. Walking, jogging, and drinking lots of water helps your body detox alcohol. -
What Are Electrolytes and Why They're Key to Your Health and Hangover Prevention
Electrolytes are super important in maintaining overall health, but also preventing hangovers. When you’re dehydrated, it’s likely that you don’t just need water, you need electrolytes too. -
The Step by Step Guide to Avoid a Hangover
We all know hangovers are no good - not only for our productivity, but for our overall health and wellbeing. Hangovers not only wreak havoc on you... -
What Causes a Hangover?
Learn what happens to our bodies when we drink, why hangovers happen, and how we can treat them. Most of us have experienced the unfortunate afte...